Lyrical Bible - Genesis 20


Lyrical Bible

Genesis 20 

[Verse 1]

In Gerar's land, Abraham did dwell,

With Sarah, his wife, a beauty to tell.

She caught the eye of Abimelech the king,

Who took her in haste, a perilous fling.



Oh, Sarah, fairest of them all,

Caught in deceit's enthralling thrall.

Abraham, fearing for his life,

Said, "She's my sister," in the strife.


[Verse 2]

The king, deceived, took Sarah near,

But God intervened, his message clear.

In dreams of night, a warning came,

"Took another's wife, you're not to blame."



Oh, Sarah, fairest of them all,

Caught in deceit's enthralling thrall.

Abimelech, trembling with fright,

Restored Sarah to Abraham that night.



Abimelech, in morning's light,

Confronted Abraham, no more in flight.

"Why deceive me, risking my realm?

God's hand was on you, guiding the helm."


[Verse 3]

Abraham confessed, explained his fear,

How Sarah truly his wife was near.

The king, in grace, gifts did provide,

For God's protection, he did abide.



Oh, Sarah, fairest of them all,

Caught in deceit's enthralling thrall.

Abraham learned, in trials deep,

God's faithfulness he would keep.



Thus, peace restored, they parted ways,

With lessons learned from those dark days.

In Gerar's land, a testament,

God's mercy shown, His covenant.