Lyrical Bible - Genesis 6


Lyrical Bible

Genesis 6


Verse 1

When men began to multiply, on Earth their lives did grow,

Fair daughters born to them, with beauty they did show.

The sons of God beheld them, and saw they were so fair,

They took as wives those chosen, with whom they’d life to share.



Oh, the Earth was filled with sin,

Wickedness did reign within.

But Noah found grace in God's sight,

Amidst the dark, a shining light.


Verse 2

The Lord looked down upon the Earth, and saw corruption wide,

For all flesh had corrupted, their way was full of pride.

"My Spirit shall not strive with man, forever as they are,

Their days shall be a hundred twenty years, not far."



Oh, the Earth was filled with sin,

Wickedness did reign within.

But Noah found grace in God's sight,

Amidst the dark, a shining light.


Verse 3

Giants walked upon the Earth, in those days long ago,

Mighty men of renown, their fame did swiftly grow.

But wickedness did grieve the Lord, His heart was full of pain,

"I'll blot out man from Earth’s broad face, creation to disdain."



Oh, the Earth was filled with sin,

Wickedness did reign within.

But Noah found grace in God's sight,

Amidst the dark, a shining light.



God spoke to Noah, “Build an ark, of gopher wood it shall be,

A refuge from the coming flood, for your family and thee.

Two of every kind you'll bring, male and female both,

For I have seen righteousness, in thee I place my oath.”



Oh, the Earth was filled with sin,

Wickedness did reign within.

But Noah found grace in God's sight,

Amidst the dark, a shining light.


Verse 4

So Noah did as God had said, he built the ark so grand,

A vessel for salvation, by the Lord’s command.

And when the floods did come, upon the land so wide,

In the ark, safe and sound, Noah’s kin did hide.



Oh, the Earth was filled with sin,

Wickedness did reign within.

But Noah found grace in God's sight,

Amidst the dark, a shining light.



Through waters deep, the ark did sail, and Noah’s faith was true,

God’s covenant with man was sealed, His promise ever new.

The world reborn, a fresh new start, from Noah’s righteous way,

A symbol of God’s endless love, still guiding us today.