Lyrical Bible - Genesis 18


Lyrical Bible

Genesis 18

Verse 1

In the heat of the day, near Mamre's plain,

The Lord appeared to Abraham once again.

Three men stood by as he sat at his door,

A moment divine, a visit to adore.



Angels on the sand, walking hand in hand,

A promise given by God's command.

Faith and love intertwined, a covenant signed,

In Abraham's heart, God's word enshrined.


Verse 2

Abraham ran, his heart full of grace,

Bowed low to the ground, a humble embrace.

“Stay, let me serve, rest under this tree,

A morsel of bread, refreshment for thee.”



Angels on the sand, walking hand in hand,

A promise given by God's command.

Faith and love intertwined, a covenant signed,

In Abraham's heart, God's word enshrined.


Verse 3

Sarah prepared, the finest of bread,

A tender calf, their table was spread.

“Where is your wife?” the strangers did say,

“In the tent,” he replied, in a humble way.



“Next year this time, a son she will bear,”

Sarah laughed softly, but the angels were aware.

“Is anything too hard for the Lord?” they proclaimed,

A child of promise, Isaac by name.


Verse 4

As they rose to leave, Abraham walked along,

The Lord spoke of Sodom, its grievous wrong.

A plea for the righteous, Abraham did make,

“Would You spare the city, for ten’s sake?”



Angels on the sand, walking hand in hand,

A promise given by God's command.

Faith and love intertwined, a covenant signed,

In Abraham's heart, God's word enshrined.


Verse 5

The Lord agreed, in mercy and grace,

A dialogue of justice, face to face.

Abraham’s faith, a beacon so bright,

In the plains of Mamre, under the light.



In the heat of the day, near Mamre’s plain,

The Lord appeared to Abraham once again.

Three men stood by as he sat at his door,

A moment divine, a visit to adore.