Lyrical Bible - Genesis 28


Lyrical Bible

Genesis 28 

Verse 1

Jacob on his journey, he left Beersheba's light,

To Haran he was heading, through the dark of night.

He stopped at a place, under stars so bright,

A stone for a pillow, dreams took their flight.



Angels on a ladder, reaching to the sky,

God’s voice like thunder, from heaven on high.

"I am with you always, your heart don’t deny,

Your seed will be countless, under the endless sky."


Verse 2

In his dream, a vision, heaven's gate was shown,

The Lord stood beside him, His love fully known.

"Land where you are lying, to you I shall own,

Your descendants like dust, from this place they’ll have grown."



Angels on a ladder, reaching to the sky,

God’s voice like thunder, from heaven on high.

"I am with you always, your heart don’t deny,

Your seed will be countless, under the endless sky."



“I am the Lord of Abraham, Isaac's God I am,

I’ll never leave you, Jacob, you are part of my plan.

Everywhere you wander, I will hold your hand,

Until all my promises, before you firmly stand.”


Verse 3

Jacob woke in wonder, “Surely God is here,

This place is none other, His presence is near.”

He called it Bethel, with awe and holy fear,

Poured oil on the stone, to make his vow clear.



Angels on a ladder, reaching to the sky,

God’s voice like thunder, from heaven on high.

"I am with you always, your heart don’t deny,

Your seed will be countless, under the endless sky."



“If God will be with me, keep me in His way,

Give me food to eat, clothes to wear every day,

Return me to my father's house, to Him I will pray,

This stone shall be God's house, my tithes I will pay.”


Final Chorus

Angels on a ladder, reaching to the sky,

God’s voice like thunder, from heaven on high.

"I am with you always, your heart don’t deny,

Your seed will be countless, under the endless sky."