Bible Story - Jacob marries Leah and Rachel


Bible Story

Jacob marries Leah and Rachel 

After a long journey, Jacob came to the land where the people from the east live. He saw a well in a field. Three groups of sheep lay near it. Shepherds took water from the well to give to their sheep. There was a large stone that covered the top of the well. The shepherds waited until all the sheep were there together. Then they removed the stone from the top of the well. They gave their sheep water to drink, and then they put the stone back on the top of the well.

Jacob asked the shepherds, ‘My brothers, where are you from?’ The shepherds replied, ‘We are from Haran.’ Jacob said, ‘Do you know Laban? He is Nahor's grandson.’ The shepherds replied, ‘Yes, we know him.’ Jacob asked them, ‘Is he in good health?’ They replied, ‘Yes, he is. Look. Here comes his daughter now, with their sheep. Her name is Rachel.’ Jacob said to them, ‘The sun is still high in the sky. It is not yet the right time to bring all the sheep together. So, give them some water now. Then they can go back to the fields and eat more grass.’ The shepherds said, ‘We cannot do that. We have to wait until all the sheep are here together. Then we can remove the big stone from the well and we can give water to the sheep.’

When Jacob was speaking to the shepherds, Rachel arrived there. She brought her father's sheep with her. She was taking care of them.

Jacob saw Rachel. She was the daughter of his uncle Laban. Jacob saw that she had Laban's sheep with her. So, Jacob went to the well and he removed the big stone. Then he gave water to Laban's sheep. Then Jacob kissed Rachel. He began to weep loudly.

Jacob told Rachel that he was a relative of her father, Laban. He told her that he was Rebekah's son. So Rachel ran home to tell her father.

When Laban heard what Rachel said, he went quickly to meet Jacob, his sister's son. He put his arms round Jacob and he kissed him. Laban brought Jacob to his home. Jacob told Laban all his news. Then Laban said, ‘Yes, you really are my own relative.’ So Jacob stayed with Laban for a month.

Then Laban said to Jacob, ‘You should not work for me for nothing because you are my relative. Tell me what I should pay you.’ Laban had two daughters. The name of the older daughter was Leah. The name of the younger daughter was Rachel. Leah had weak eyes. But Rachel's face and her body were beautiful. Jacob loved Rachel. He said to Laban, ‘I will work for you for seven years. In return, I want to marry your younger daughter, Rachel.’ Laban said, ‘It is better for you to marry her than another man. Stay here with me.’

Jacob worked for seven years to have Rachel as his wife. But the years passed very quickly because Jacob loved Rachel very much. Seven years seemed like only a few days to Jacob.

After seven years, Jacob said to Laban, ‘Give me my wife. My time to work for you is finished and I want to marry her.’ Laban called all the people in that place to come together. He prepared a big meal for them to eat. When evening came, Laban took his daughter Leah and he gave her to Jacob. Jacob slept that night with her as his wife. Laban gave his female servant to Leah to be her servant. Her name was Zilpah.

When morning came, Jacob saw that he had slept with Leah! He said to Laban, ‘You have done a very bad thing to me! I worked for you to get Rachel as my wife. Why have you deceived me?’ Laban replied, ‘In our land, we do not give the younger daughter to a man first. We let the older daughter marry first. So, finish this week of Leah's marriage. Then we will give you Rachel to marry too. But you must work for another seven years.’

So Jacob did what Laban said. He finished the marriage week with Leah. Then Laban gave Rachel to Jacob to be his wife. Laban gave his female servant Bilhah to Rachel to become her servant. Jacob also slept with Rachel. He loved Rachel more than he loved Leah. He worked for Laban for seven more years.

The Lord saw that Jacob did not love Leah. So he let her become pregnant. But Rachel did not give birth to any children. Leah became pregnant and she gave birth to a son. She called him Reuben. She said, ‘It is because the Lord has seen how sad I am. My husband will love me now because I have given birth to a son.’

Leah became pregnant again. She gave birth to another son. She said, ‘The Lord has given me another son because he knows that I am not loved.’ She called this son Simeon.

Leah became pregnant again. Later, she gave birth to another son. She said, ‘Now I have given my husband three sons, so he will want to stay with me.’ She called this son Levi.

Leah became pregnant again. She gave birth to another son. She said, ‘This time I will praise the Lord.’ She called this son Judah. Then she stopped giving birth to children.

Rachel now knew that she could not give birth to any children for Jacob. So, she became jealous of her sister. Rachel said to Jacob, ‘Please give me children. If not, I will die.’ Jacob became angry with Rachel. He said, ‘Am I God? God has stopped you from giving birth to children!’ Rachel said, ‘Take my servant Bilhah and have sex with her. Then she can have children on my behalf. Through her, I can have a family.’

So Rachel gave her servant Bilhah to Jacob to become his wife. Bilhah became pregnant and she gave birth to a son for Jacob. Rachel said, ‘God has shown that I am right. He has listened to me and he has given a son to me.’ Because of this, she called the boy Dan. Rachel's servant Bilhah became pregnant again. She gave birth to another son for Jacob. 8 Rachel said, ‘I have fought with my sister and I have won.’ She called this son Naphtali.

Leah saw that she had stopped having children. So she gave her servant Zilpah to Jacob as a wife. Zilpah became pregnant and she gave birth to a son for Jacob. Leah said, ‘This is very good.’ She called the boy Gad. Leah's servant Zilpah gave Jacob another son. Leah said, ‘I am very happy! Women will call me happy.’ So she called this boy Asher.

It was the time to get the wheat in from the fields. Reuben went out and he found some mandrake plants in a field. He took them to his mother, Leah. Rachel said to Leah, ‘Please give me some of the mandrake plants that your son gave to you.’ But Leah said to Rachel, ‘You took my husband from me. That was bad enough! Now you want to take my son's mandrakes too!’ Rachel said, ‘OK. If you give me some of your son's mandrakes, Jacob can sleep with you tonight.’

In the evening, Jacob came in from the fields. Leah went out to meet him. She said, ‘You must sleep with me tonight. I have paid for you with my son's mandrakes.’ So Jacob slept with Leah that night. God listened to Leah and she became pregnant again. She gave birth to a fifth son for Jacob. Leah said, ‘God has helped me because I gave my servant to Jacob as a wife.’ She called her son Issachar.

Leah became pregnant again and she gave Jacob a sixth son. Leah said, ‘God has given me this valuable gift. Now my husband will respect me because I have given him six sons.’ She called this son Zebulun.

Some time passed and Leah became pregnant again. She gave birth to a daughter. She called her daughter Dinah.

Then God decided to help Rachel. He listened to her and he let her become pregnant. She became pregnant and she gave birth to a son. Rachel said, ‘I am not ashamed anymore because God has given me a son.’ Rachel called her son Joseph. She said, ‘I pray that the Lord will give me another son.’

After Rachel gave birth to Joseph, Jacob spoke to Laban. He said, ‘Let me go away now. I want to go home to my own land. Let me take my wives and my children with me. I have worked for you so that I could have them. You must let me leave, because you know how much I have worked for you.’

Laban said to Jacob, ‘If you are happy with me then please stay here. I know that the Lord has blessed me because you are here with me. I have used magic to know that.’ Laban also said to Jacob, ‘Tell me how much I should pay you for your work. I will pay whatever you want.’

Jacob replied, ‘You know how much I have worked for you. You know that you have many more animals now, because I have taken care of them. Before I came, you had only a few sheep and goats. Now you have many more valuable things. Wherever I have worked for you, the Lord has blessed you. But now I want to work to help my own family. I must do that soon.’

Laban asked, ‘What must I give to you?’ Jacob replied, ‘You do not need to give me anything. But just do one thing for me. Then I will still take care of your animals. I will make sure that nothing bad happens to them. Do this: Let me go among all your animals today. Let me remove any animal that has a mark on it or that has more than one colour on its skin. I will also take any black lambs. That is what you will give me for my work. In the future, this will show that I am honest. You can check on my animals whenever you want to. I will only have sheep or goats that have marks on their skin, or black lambs. If I have any other animals, you may call me a robber.’ Laban said, ‘I agree to this. It will be as you have said.’

On that same day, Laban went to his animals. He quickly removed all the goats that had marks, both male and female goats. He also removed all the black lambs. He gave these animals to his sons to take care of them. He sent those animals a long way away. It would take Jacob 3 days to reach them. While this was happening, Jacob was taking care of Laban's other animals.

Jacob took branches that he had cut from trees. He took them from poplar trees, almond trees and plane trees. He cut white lines on the branches. He stripped off the outside part of the wood to show white lines. Then he put the branches in the place where there were big bowls of water for the animals to drink. They were in front of the animals when they came to drink. The animals could see the branches when it was the right time for them to have sex together. When they had sex in front of the branches, they gave birth to babies that had skin with marks. Jacob kept these lambs separate from Laban's animals. He took the rest of Laban's female animals to join with the animals that had marks or were black. In that way he got more animals that would belong to him. He kept them separate from Laban's animals.

Jacob waited until the stronger female animals were ready to have sex. Then he put the special branches in front of them, near the big bowls of water. Then these animals would see the branches when they had sex together. But if the female animals were weak, he did not put the branches in front of them when they had sex. As a result, the weak animals would belong to Laban, but Jacob would keep the strong animals.

In this way, Jacob became very rich. Many sheep and goats belonged to him. He also had female servants and male servants, as well as camels and donkeys.

Jacob runs away from Laban

Jacob heard that Laban's sons were complaining about him. They were saying, ‘Jacob has taken everything that belonged to our father. He has taken things from our father and he has become rich himself.’

And Jacob could see that Laban was not as nice to him as he had been before.

Then the Lord said to Jacob, ‘Go back to the land where your father and grandfather lived. Go back to your relatives. I will be with you there.’ Jacob sent a message to Rachel and Leah. He said that they must come to the field where he was taking care of his animals. Jacob said to Rachel and Leah, ‘I see that your father is not as nice to me now, as he was before. But the God of my father has been with me. You know that I have worked very hard for your father. I have worked as well as I can. But your father has cheated me many times. He has changed what I receive for my work at least times. But God has not let him hurt me. Sometimes Laban said, “I will pay you with the animals that have different colours on their skin.” If he said that, all the animals gave birth to babies with different colours on their skins. Sometimes he said, “I will pay you with the animals that have marks on them.” Then all the animals would give birth to babies with marks on them. In this way God took away your father's animals, and he gave them to me.

One night I had a dream. It was at the time when the animals were becoming pregnant. In the dream, I saw that the male goats had marks and different colours on their skin. The angel of God spoke to me in the dream. He said, “Jacob.” I replied, “Yes, here I am.” The angel said, “Look carefully. See all the male goats that are having sex with the female goats. They all have marks and different colours on their skin. I am helping you because I have seen the bad things that Laban has done to you. I am the God who appeared to you at Bethel. That is where you poured oil on the special stone and you made a promise to me. Now I am telling you to leave this land. Go back to the land where you were born.”

When Jacob told that to Rachel and Leah, they replied, ‘Our father will not give us anything more when he dies. He now thinks of us as if we are foreign people. You worked hard for him so that we could become your wives. He has cheated us as well as you! So everything that God has taken away from our father really belongs to us, and to our children. So you must do everything that God has told you to do.’

So Jacob put his children and wives on his camels. He put together all his animals, and everything that he had received in Paddan Aram. He took them with him to go to the land of Canaan. He left to go to back to his father Isaac. Before they left, Laban had gone to cut the wool from his sheep. While he was away from the house, Rachel took the idols that Laban worshipped in his house.

Jacob deceived Laban the Aramean. He did not tell Laban that he was going away. Jacob went away quickly and he took all his things. He went across the Euphrates river. He went towards the hill country of Gilead.

After three days, someone told Laban that Jacob had gone away. So Laban took his relatives with him and he followed Jacob. After seven days he found him in the hill country of Gilead. Then God appeared to Laban the Aramean in a dream at night. God warned him, ‘Be careful what you say to Jacob. Do not say anything good or bad against him.’

Jacob had put up his tent in the hill country of Gilead. That is where Laban found him. So Laban and his relatives also put up their tents in that place. Laban said to Jacob, ‘Why did you do that? You have deceived me. You have taken my daughters away as if you had caught them in a war. Why did you go away secretly? Yes, you have deceived me. You should have told me that you were leaving. Then I would have prepared a big meal. We would have been happy together, with songs and music. But you did not even let me say “goodbye” to my daughters or my grandchildren. What you have done is not right. I have the power to hurt you. But last night the God of your father appeared to me. He told me, “Be careful what you say to Jacob. Do not say anything good or bad against him.” I know that you want very much to return to your father's house. That is why you have left my home. But why did you take my idols?’

Jacob replied, ‘I left secretly because I was afraid. I thought that you might fight me to take your daughters away from me. But if you find your idols with anyone here, that person must die. While our relatives watch, you may look for anything that belongs to you. If you find anything then take it.’

Jacob did not know that Rachel had taken her father's idols.

So Laban went into Jacob's tent. Then he went into Leah's tent. He also went into the female servants' tent. But he did not find the idols. When he left Leah's tent, he went into Rachel's tent. Rachel had taken the idols and she had put them inside her camel's seat. Now she sat on them. Laban looked everywhere in Rachel's tent but he did not find the idols. Rachel said to him, ‘Do not be angry with me, sir. I cannot stand up in front of you. It is the time of my monthly blood loss.’ So, Laban looked everywhere for the idols, but he did not find them.

Then Jacob became angry and he quarreled with Laban. He asked Laban, ‘What have I done wrong? What sin have I done against you so that you had to catch me? Now you have looked through everything that I have. Did you find anything that belongs to you? If you have found anything, put it here in the open. Then your relatives and my relatives can see it. Our relatives can decide which of us is right, you or me!’

Jacob continued to say to Laban, ‘I have worked for you for 20 years. Your female sheep and goats have all safely given birth to young ones. I have not taken any of your male animals as food for myself. If wild animals attacked your sheep or goats, I did not show them to you. I myself paid you for them. If any animal was lost, in the day time or at night, you said that I must pay you for it. This is what it was like to work for you: I worked in the strong heat of the sun in the day. I had pain from the cold at night. I could not always sleep. It was like this for 20 years as I worked like a slave for you. I worked for 14 years to pay you for your two daughters. Then I worked for six years for your sheep and goats. You changed what you paid me at least 10 times! The God of my father, the God of Abraham and the Fear of Isaac was with me. If he had not helped me, then you would have sent me away with nothing. But God has seen what you have done to hurt me. He has seen how hard I have worked for you. So last night he told you that you had done wrong.’

Laban replied to Jacob, ‘These women are my daughters. Their children are my grandchildren. The animals are my animals. Everything that you have with you here belongs to me. But there is nothing that I can do today about my daughters or about their children. So we should be friends. Let us make an agreement together. It will show that we have agreed to be friends.’

So Jacob took a large stone and made it stand up in the ground. He said to his relatives, ‘Go and get some stones.’ So they brought some stones and they put them together on the ground. Then they all ate a meal together, near the heap of stones.

Laban called that place Jegar Sahadutha. Jacob called it Galeed.

Laban said, ‘These stones show that we have made an agreement today.’ That is why the place was called Galeed. The place was also called ‘Mizpah’. That was because Laban said, ‘May the Lord watch you and me when we are away from each other. Remember that God is watching you. If you do wrong to my daughters, God will see it. And if you marry any other women, remember this. God is watching you. Even if no one else sees you, God will know.’

Laban also said, ‘I have put this special stone here, and the heap of stones near it. They stand there between your land and my land. I will not go past the stones to your side to hurt you. And you must not go past them to my side to hurt me. Let the God of Abraham, Nahor, and their ancestors decide if one of us is guilty.’

So Jacob made a promise in the name of the God that his father Isaac worshipped. He offered a sacrifice to God there in the hill country. He asked his relatives to eat a meal with him. After they had eaten, they stayed the night there.

Early the next morning, Laban got up to return home. He kissed his grandchildren and his daughters. He said ‘goodbye’ and he blessed them. Then he left and he went back to his home.